Sunday, August 19, 2012

Plan for Week 7-12

General: Going to change my template from two bench days, a squat day, and a deadlift day, to heavy squat, light squat and light bench, heavy deadlift, light deadlift and heavy bench.  Think this will allow me to get in more lower body volume while not affecting my benching.

Squat: I will try and hit some Sheiko like volume on raw squat and try to build a solid base before starting to add wraps in Week 13.  I'm only going to count my "work reps," and "work intensity."

Bench: Thinking of raw benching until week 15, effectively cutting this cycle in half between raw and shirted work.  Will proceed with similar tactics as last cycle as that was quite successful.

Deadlift: Will also try to get some solid volume in and build a solid base in this lift.  I'm going to incorporate all single reps on my competition pull (sumo) as Matt Gary discusses in the video "Deadlift Table" on youtube.  I will also be using his set/rep/intensity recommendations to shape my approach.  The only difference is I will not follow any specific rest period guidelines and instead pull cluster reps similar to the way Eriek Nickson pulls.  So 80% will typically be sets of 3 cluster reps, 85% sets of 2 cluster reps, and 90% and above just singles.

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