Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 2 of 18

Block 1, Week 2

Day 1 (Wednesday, 2/23/11)

2x2x247.5 (90%, misload + 2.5)

1x5x250 (50%)
2x4x295 (60%)
2x3x345 (70%)
5x2x395 (80%) [belted]

NG Pullups

Squat (no belt)
1x3x270 (55%)
1x3x320 (65%)
4x3x370 (75%)

Ab wheel

Supinated band pullaparts
5x10xmonster mini

Comments: Squats slowly but surely are coming along.  And bench went well.  When I first started Sheiko I was working off a 385 squat max and double squat sessions were fun, now that I'm working off a 110 pound higher max (495), I don't associate the same pleasant feelings with double sessions.

Day 2 (Friday, 2/25/11)

1x5x290 (50%)
2x4x345 (60%)
2x3x405 (70%)
5x2x460 (80%)

4x2x195 (70%)

Snatch grip Deadlift

Bogart Pulldowns

Dragon flags

Band Face Pulls

Comments: I think my deadlift form right now is better than ever.  I have my hips a little higher and I am using the bar to pull myself into position forcing everything tight.  As for keeping my upper back locked in, I am finding it more productive to look straight ahead than look up . . . it seems easier to continue extending as I break the bar off the floor if I am not at "end range" extension at the start of the pull (note: Eriek Nickson is the best I have seen at this).

And a little rant: I'm going to stop writing "pause bench" in my log, because every time I bench now I pause it.  I got in the habit of writing pause bench when I was doing RTS and there were 10,000 variants of bench exercises including touch and go and soft touch bench.  So when I write bench, it means I am doing the competition exercise, not using some variation of the competition exercise.

Day 3 (Sunday, 2/27/11) 

Floor Press w/chains
5x165+25lb chains

Squat (no belt)
1x4x250 (50%)
1x4x295 (60%)
2x3x345 (70%)
6x3x370 (75%)

DB Bench w/4 sec. pause (neutral grip)

Squat (no belt)
1x3x270 (55%)
1x3x320 (65%)
4x2x370 (75%)

NG Pullups

Reverse BB Curls

Comments: Floor presses were a bit harder than they should have been but Wednesday was a difficult day on bench.  Squats are finally coming back, handling the volume much better now.  Overall it was a good week.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week 1 of 18

Block 1, Week 1

Day 1 (Wednesday, 2/16/11)

Pause Bench
2x2x235 (85%)

1x5x250 (50%)
2x5x295 (60%)
5x5x345 (70%) [last two sets belted, HARD]

NG Pullups

Ab wheel

Supinated band pullaparts

Comments: Squats were pretty damn hard today.  The calve injury still has some healing to do which probably has at least a little something to do with squats being hard.  Also it seems like after the narrow stance, high bar squatting it takes a couple of sessions to get my form back.  Benching went well.  I have to pay more attention to my stance, I tend not to tuck my right leg back as far as my left leg.

Day 2 (Friday, 2/18/11)

Pause Bench
3x3x165 (60%)

1x5x290 (50%)
2x4x345 (60%)
2x3x405 (70%)
5x3x430 (75%)

Snatch Grip Deadlift

Band Face Pulls

Dragon Flags

Comments: Even the really light bench technique day seems to irritate my left shoulder a little.  Going to keep after it, I may be arriving at a solution (more external rotation in a palms up position, mostly using short bands just above elbows).

Deadlift form felt tight, just wasn't used to this much volume.  Erectors felt smoked.

Day 3 (Saturday, 2/19/11)

Floor press w/chains
5x160+25lb chains

Squat (no belt)
1x5x250 (50%)
2x4x295 (60%)
2x3x345 (70%)
5x3x370 (75%)

4 sec. pause DB bench

NG Pullups

Reverse BB curls

Comments: I moved this session up a day because I was worried the winter storm on Sunday would prevent me from being able to go to the gym.  There was rumor that the city snow plowing crew would go on strike.  Although it turned out I could have trained today, I think the extra day of rest after my first week will be beneficial.

I'm liking the floor presses w/chains, so far so good.  Similar enough to the competition exercise that I anticipate good carryover without being so similar that it confuses my competition exercise movement pattern (like reverse band bench and board benching seems to do).

Squats were hard today but I knew they would be on less rest.  I was glad to get through them without a belt.  Overall a good first week.

I'm not going absolutely ape shit on the accessory work because: (1) I might be getting smarter; (2) I know it is staying the same for ~12 weeks and I'm not in a huge hurry to push it to the limit.  I'm going to guess (2).

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Session 1 of 5 (Friday, 2/4/11)

3+ sec. Pause Olympic Squat
1x4x250 (50%)
4x4x295 (60%)

Incline Pause Bench

3 Stop Pause Bench

NG Pullups

Dragon Flags

Band Face Pulls

Comments: Love the pause olympic squats, they are hard with very little weight.  I suck at inclines even more than I remembered, I am going to make these my primary bench accessory exercise.  I thought the 3 stop pause bench would really improve my stability, but they don't feel as though they will do what I hoped, I'm not going to use them for now.  Didn't really consider training on Wednesday, we were getting 11 inches of snow that day, bus system was down, school was closed, and I figured I could use the extra rest.

Session 2 of 5 (Sunday, 2/6/11)

Snatch Grip Deadlift

4 sec. Pause DB Bench

Pause Bench
3x3x195 (70%)

Supinated Band Pullaparts

Comments: Once I re-learned how to use straps, snatch grip deadlifts went pretty well.  It had been about 8 months since I had used them last and I forgot you need to go from underneath the bar, what a dummy!  I am planning on using this as my primary deadlift accessory exercise.  Since I have said what my primary bench and deadlift accessory exercises will be, I might as well write my primary squat accessory exercise as well: the squat.

Session 3 of 5 (Wednesday, 2/9/11) [begin bench training]

Pause Bench
2x2x225 (82%)

2+ sec. Pause Olympic Squat
4x250 (50%)
4x295 (60%)
4x4x320 (65%)

NG Pullups

Ab wheel

Supinated Band Pullaparts

Comments: I felt ready to start bench training again so today marked the first day of the new program.  So far so good, got some good long pauses in and we'll see how the next couple weeks go, I'll get up to doubles at 245 on my last sets in 2 weeks.  I should take a picture of how red my face gets by the last rep on my pause squats, fun stuff.

Session 4 of 5 (Friday, 2/11/11)

Pause Bench
2x2x195 (70%)

3x3x405 (70%)
*add suit (35 Inzer Max DL)
1x515 (90%)

Snatch Grip Deadlift

Dragon Flags

Band Face Pulls

Comments: Got some light technique work on bench, I think doing this mid-week will be productive.  I also tried a couple of deadlift suits.  I got the 46 Metal King Deadlifter on without much issue but it was extremely tight.  There was no way in hell I was getting down to the bar, couldn't even open my knees in it.  It felt a lot more like a squat suit.  The Inzer was much better, and that is the suit I intend to put my energy into as my prep for this meet.  I probably could handle a size smaller but this will be great for now.

Session 5 of 5 (Sunday, 2/13/11)

Floor Press w/chains
5x155+25lb chains
5x155+50lb chains
5x155+75lb chains

2+ sec. Pause Olympic Squat
4x250 (50%)
4x295 (60%)
4x4x320 (70%)

4 sec. Pause DB Bench

NG Pullups

Pendlay Rows

Reverse BB Curls

Comments: First week of the new bench program went well.  And I feel ready to jump into my squat and deadlift program next week.  I think I'll keep the pause Olympic squats in the mix for this program.  After being videoed on the first work set I noticed I wasn't keeping my upper back posture  as well as I should.  On the next sets I focused more on keeping my back tight out of the hole and it really seemed to stimulate the back in a way that is similar to the deadlift.  For that reason I'll do this exercise as a second movement on Sundays, but not on Wednesdays to ensure I'm fresh for Friday deadlifts.

Sunday 2/6 Snatch Grip Deadlift: 5x305

Sunday 2/13 Pause Olympic Squat: 4x320

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Deadlift, 600 and beyond

Now is the time for my deadlift to take off.  It was nearly 15 months ago when I pulled an ugly 540 for the first time as I was just starting to pull in a suit.  I missed 584 at the last meet by an extremely narrow margin.  My resolve to pull a smooth 600 at the meet in June is strong, now what do I need to do:

I need to improve my starting position.  High hips, stretched chest, locked upper back, open knees.  I tend to drop my hips when I feel I'm getting little pop out of my suit.  I've been pulling in a loose suit for awhile now, it is time to get use to a suit that gives me something off the ground.  I need to increase my upper back strength so that I can maintain my positioning as I initiate the pull, that is where snatch grip deadlifts and other accessory work come in.  As for open knees, I need to do mobility drills so this positioning first becomes possible, then becomes "comfortable."

Thanks to the people who have patiently helped me with my deadlift.  Eriek has been amazingly helpful over the last couple of months.

Here is an article that highlights the changes that need to be made:

And Belyaev really showcases the set-up changes I need to make. Note when he sets his back and gets his hips in position he drops his hips minimally, the movement is not sudden, it is calculated. His upper body and lower body are moving in conjunction with one another:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Badger Open Training Cycle

I'm putting together my training cycle and figured I'd write something about it for future reference.  Although the meet isn't scheduled yet, I imagine I'll have 17-18 weeks to prepare.  This gives me three 5 week blocks potentially a deload week in there somewhere and a taper, perfect.

Squat: I'll continue working off a Sheiko #37 template with a 495 raw max, 657 suited max.  During week 5 of the first block I'll put my loose suit on and with straps up I'll do 5x3x80-85%.  During the second block I'll get in the loose suit in week 4 doing triples and then in week 5 I'll put the medium suit on and do 3-4x2x85-90%.  In the third block I will do a week in the loose suit with triples, a week in the competition suit working up to ~645, between first and second attempts (3 weeks out), and my opener in the competition suit (2 weeks out).

Bench: I will emphasize raw bench for about 12 weeks, then get in the bench shirt for about 5 weeks.  Hopefully after the raw cycle I will have built enough strength to handle the Katana.  During the raw cycle I will do a "heavy," "medium," and "light" day.  The "heavy" day will be pause bench, the "medium" day close grip bench, and the "light" day incline bench and bench w/3 stops on way up.  I'll rotate among 4x5, 4x4, and 4x3, starting quite conservatively in the first 3 week block.  During my competition cycle I will continue to press 3 times a week, Wednesday shirt bench, and Friday and Sunday will be unequipped pause bench, 2-3 reps at 80-85% for the most part.  I find this helps reinforce the shirt groove, fairly long pause and then press in a straightish line--break the tendency to start pressing toward my face right off the chest.

Deadlift: I plan to use the following progression:
Week 1: 5x3@75%
Week 2: 5x2@80%
Week 3: 5x3@80%
Week 4: 4x2@85-90% (suit)
Week 5: 3x1@90-95% (suit)

I'll start off a 575 max and try to add weight each block.  I probably won't hit anything heavier than about 550 in this training cycle leading up to the meet.  This will get me in a deadlift suit 6 times before the meet.  I'm going to be using a tighter deadlift suit, either an Inzer Max DL or a Metal King Deadlifter so I'll need a decent amount of practice.  During my third block I'll likely do singles in the deadlift suit twice.  At three weeks out I'll work up to something between my first and second attempts, probably somewhere around 550-555, then my opener at two weeks out.  Also, I'll do sets of 5 with snatch grip deadlifts each week trying to build the upper back so it is more solid at the start of the pull.  The progression will look something like this.

Week 1: 5x5
Week 2: 4x5 +10-15lb
Week 3: 3x5 +20-30lb
Week 4: 5x5 (90% of week 1)
Week 5: 5RM