Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Deadlift, 600 and beyond

Now is the time for my deadlift to take off.  It was nearly 15 months ago when I pulled an ugly 540 for the first time as I was just starting to pull in a suit.  I missed 584 at the last meet by an extremely narrow margin.  My resolve to pull a smooth 600 at the meet in June is strong, now what do I need to do:

I need to improve my starting position.  High hips, stretched chest, locked upper back, open knees.  I tend to drop my hips when I feel I'm getting little pop out of my suit.  I've been pulling in a loose suit for awhile now, it is time to get use to a suit that gives me something off the ground.  I need to increase my upper back strength so that I can maintain my positioning as I initiate the pull, that is where snatch grip deadlifts and other accessory work come in.  As for open knees, I need to do mobility drills so this positioning first becomes possible, then becomes "comfortable."

Thanks to the people who have patiently helped me with my deadlift.  Eriek has been amazingly helpful over the last couple of months.

Here is an article that highlights the changes that need to be made:

And Belyaev really showcases the set-up changes I need to make. Note when he sets his back and gets his hips in position he drops his hips minimally, the movement is not sudden, it is calculated. His upper body and lower body are moving in conjunction with one another:

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