Thursday, February 3, 2011

Badger Open Training Cycle

I'm putting together my training cycle and figured I'd write something about it for future reference.  Although the meet isn't scheduled yet, I imagine I'll have 17-18 weeks to prepare.  This gives me three 5 week blocks potentially a deload week in there somewhere and a taper, perfect.

Squat: I'll continue working off a Sheiko #37 template with a 495 raw max, 657 suited max.  During week 5 of the first block I'll put my loose suit on and with straps up I'll do 5x3x80-85%.  During the second block I'll get in the loose suit in week 4 doing triples and then in week 5 I'll put the medium suit on and do 3-4x2x85-90%.  In the third block I will do a week in the loose suit with triples, a week in the competition suit working up to ~645, between first and second attempts (3 weeks out), and my opener in the competition suit (2 weeks out).

Bench: I will emphasize raw bench for about 12 weeks, then get in the bench shirt for about 5 weeks.  Hopefully after the raw cycle I will have built enough strength to handle the Katana.  During the raw cycle I will do a "heavy," "medium," and "light" day.  The "heavy" day will be pause bench, the "medium" day close grip bench, and the "light" day incline bench and bench w/3 stops on way up.  I'll rotate among 4x5, 4x4, and 4x3, starting quite conservatively in the first 3 week block.  During my competition cycle I will continue to press 3 times a week, Wednesday shirt bench, and Friday and Sunday will be unequipped pause bench, 2-3 reps at 80-85% for the most part.  I find this helps reinforce the shirt groove, fairly long pause and then press in a straightish line--break the tendency to start pressing toward my face right off the chest.

Deadlift: I plan to use the following progression:
Week 1: 5x3@75%
Week 2: 5x2@80%
Week 3: 5x3@80%
Week 4: 4x2@85-90% (suit)
Week 5: 3x1@90-95% (suit)

I'll start off a 575 max and try to add weight each block.  I probably won't hit anything heavier than about 550 in this training cycle leading up to the meet.  This will get me in a deadlift suit 6 times before the meet.  I'm going to be using a tighter deadlift suit, either an Inzer Max DL or a Metal King Deadlifter so I'll need a decent amount of practice.  During my third block I'll likely do singles in the deadlift suit twice.  At three weeks out I'll work up to something between my first and second attempts, probably somewhere around 550-555, then my opener at two weeks out.  Also, I'll do sets of 5 with snatch grip deadlifts each week trying to build the upper back so it is more solid at the start of the pull.  The progression will look something like this.

Week 1: 5x5
Week 2: 4x5 +10-15lb
Week 3: 3x5 +20-30lb
Week 4: 5x5 (90% of week 1)
Week 5: 5RM

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